Order Form
To place an order, please follow these steps:
Choose the series you’re interested in by entering the series number(s) from our Catalog - Series List. If you want individual files instead of a full series, specify the series number followed by the file number(s) (e.g., 1:4, 15:2 for Series #1, File #4, and Series #15, File #2).
Note: We usually sell complete series, but we may consider individual file requests to get started.
Indicate your preferred price per series or per individual file. Prices are negotiable, and we’ll get back to you if adjustments are needed.
Provide your Company details for invoicing here, or send it via email to design@fresh-covers.com, along with your order details.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact to us via chat on our website, email, WhatsApp, Telegram, or Google Meet.